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Effective Oral Hygiene Tips For A Healthier Mouth

woman brushing Best Dentist Oak Park

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 47 percent of adults above 30 years old suffer from periodontal disease. Moreover, tooth decay is one of the most common chronic diseases among children in America. Based on these facts, you might wonder, why does it happen? Why are there so many people who have unhealthy mouths? It all boils down to discipline. If you need help maintaining your oral health, you should see the best dentist in Oak Park.

woman seeing Best Dentist Oak Park

Easy to Follow Tips to Make Your Mouth Healthier

Brush as Instructed

When you brush your teeth, make sure you carefully follow the instructions your dentist provides. If you brush your teeth haphazardly, too hard, or too often, it can lead to premature enamel erosion and it could even injure your gums. And the worst part? You’re not effectively removing plaque, bacteria, and food debris in your mouth, which means all your efforts are for nothing.

The recommended technique for brushing is to angle your toothbrush around 45 degrees toward your gums. Brush using small circular strokes, and don’t forget to be gentle.

Visit Your Dentist

Even if you are diligent in your brushing and flossing, you can still miss certain areas in your mouth where plaque and tartar can build up. The only way to remove tartar is to visit the dentist to have your teeth professionally cleaned. Regular dental checkups and cleanings are vital to keeping your dental health in tiptop shape.

woman seeing Best Dentist Oak Park

Are You Looking for the Best Dentist in Oak Park?

If you need help and guidance to keep your mouth healthy, we will be more than happy to assist you. At One Fine Smile, our goal is to make you feel comfortable and relaxed during your visit with us.

We also make sure that you are satisfied with our services. With the help of our dental team, you can achieve a healthy and beautiful smile! Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

What Causes Dental Implant Failure?

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Dental implants in Oak Park are the ideal solution for patients who want to have their missing teeth permanently replaced. Compared to all other tooth replacement options, dental implants have the most impressive longevity! Modern-day implants are made to last for decades. Unfortunately, despite their unmatched success rate, dental implants can still fail. Why do dental implants fail?

Dental Implant


What Are the Factors that Contribute to Dental Implant Failure?


Bone Loss


One of the reasons why dental implants fail is because patients wait too long to have their teeth replaced. Tooth loss will inevitably lead to bone deterioration. Bone tissue regeneration will only take place when chewing stimulation is present. Therefore, if you don’t have teeth, little by little, your jawbone will degrade and weaken.


Unfortunately, a strong jawbone with a good bone density is required for successful dental implant surgery. This is needed so that the implants can properly fuse with your jawbone in a process called osseointegration.




Another reason why dental implants fail is because of an infectious disease called peri-implantitis. A person who has peri-implantitis experiences inflammation of the soft and hard tissues around the implants. This condition will lead to bone deterioration.

where can i get dental implants in oak park?


Are You Interested in Dental Implants in Oak Park? 


Did you recently lose your teeth? If you are interested in getting dental implants, we can help you. At One Fine Smile, we provide superior quality dental services at a reasonable price. Our treatment plans are customized to cater to your dental needs. If you wish to learn more about our services, feel free to give us a call

Are You Practicing Good Oral Hygiene?

Who is the best Oak Park dentist?

A lot of people are guilty of not taking their oral health seriously. Most of the time, they end up regretting it once their gums start bleeding or when some of their teeth feel wobbly and loose. By this time, they’ll double their efforts in taking good care of their teeth and gums. Some are lucky to evade tooth loss and reverse gum disease. But, there are also the unlucky ones that end up with permanent gum and teeth damage.

If you regularly visit your Oak Park dentist as recommended by the ADA, you wouldn’t be dealing with oral health problems right now. Trust us. You’ll be smiling in confidence and content because your dental health is in tiptop condition. How can you achieve this? Let’s find out. 

Who is the best Oak Park dentist?

What Constitutes Good Oral Hygiene?

What Are The Benefits of Good Oral Hygiene?

A person who practices good oral hygiene has cavity-free teeth devoid of plaque and tartar with pink gums that do not bleed and hurt during brushing and flossing. People who religiously brush and floss and visit their dentist twice a year also do not have bad breath problems.

When you diligently practice good oral hygiene, it will show on your smile, and everyone around you, including your dentist, will notice it.

How Do You Practice Good Oral Hygiene?

Good oral hygiene is very straightforward. The rules are simple and easy to follow. You only need to brush and floss your teeth using the proper techniques as advised by your dentist to remove food debris and bacteria.

Regular dental visits are also crucial to keep plaque from turning into stubborn tartar. Limit your consumption of sweets and starchy food and drinks as bacteria feed on them. If you notice any unusual changes in your mouth, see your dentist right away. Don’t wait until your next scheduled visit.

Who is the best Oak Park dentist?

Do You Want To See An Oak Park Dentist?

If you’re not confident with the way you care for your teeth and gums, we can help if you need guidance. At One Fine Smile, our mission is to restore, maintain and improve your dental health regardless of its current state. Our office offers a wide range of dental services that will suit needs at a budget-friendly cost. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.

Frequently Asked Questions About Invisalign®

Where can I get Invisalign Oak Park?

Is it possible to achieve a beautiful smile? The answer is yes. Nothing is impossible when it comes to revamping your smile. For misalignment issues, Invisalign in Oak Park is a popular treatment choice. Although most people are more familiar with braces, Invisalign poses a great alternative for those looking for more discreet treatment!

Where can I get Invisalign Oak Park?

Frequently Asked Questions About Invisalign

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign in Oak Park is a series of clear, removable aligners that move your teeth until they reach proper alignment. This orthodontic treatment does not involve wires and brackets but uses patented thermoplastic material exclusively created and designed for orthodontic use.

Your orthodontist will create a digital plan of your teeth to map out their movement. Just like braces, Invisalign relies on gentle pressure to shift your teeth towards the desired direction.

What Are The Benefits of Invisalign?

One of the benefits of Invisalign in Oak Park is they are invisible. People barely notice that you’re wearing aligners. It also offers convenience since these aligner trays are removable, which means you can take them off when you’re eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. You also don’t have to deal with annoying brackets and wires that can potentially irritate the insides of your cheeks.

Where can I get Invisalign Oak Park?

Is Invisalign in Oak Park The Right Treatment For Me?

If you are torn between braces and Invisalign, we’d be more than happy to discuss them with you!

At One Fine Smile, our goal is to make you feel comfortable and relaxed during your visit with us. We offer a relaxing and stress-free environment for all our patients. We use state-of-the-art equipment and the latest dental techniques and technology to give you the smile of your dreams. Give us a call or explore our website to learn more about our services.


**Invisalign®, the Invisalign logo, and iTero®, among others, are trademarks and/or service marks of Align Technology, Inc. or one of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and may be registered in the U.S. and/or other countries.

How Is TMJ Diagnosed and Treated?

Where can I find TMJ Treatment Oak Park?

Have you ever heard your jaw pop while sitting down to dinner? You’re not alone! Approximately 10 million Americans suffer from pain and discomfort in their jaw and the muscles surrounding these joints – a condition called TMJ disorder. Interestingly, the condition is found to be more common in women than in men. Thankfully, there are great options for your TMJ treatment in Oak Park.

Furthermore, typically the discomfort in these joints is only temporary and only manifests in cycles. When the aching dissipates, treatment is no longer needed. However, some people develop long-term symptoms of this disorder, necessitating further treatment.

Where can I find TMJ Treatment Oak Park?

How Does Your Dentist Diagnose and Treat TMJ?

How Is TMJ Diagnosed?

When you are experiencing aches and discomfort in your jaw, your dentist will conduct a physical examination. They may ask you to open and close your mouth to listen and feel how your jaw moves. Your doctor may also take note of your jaw’s range of motion.

To identify where the pain is coming from, your dentist may press on certain areas in and around your jaw. X-rays, CT scans, and an MRI may be ordered to examine and obtain detailed images of your teeth, jaw, and soft tissues. All of these tools will assist your dentist in diagnosing TMJ and creating a tailored treatment.

How Is TMJ Treated?

Consider yourself lucky if the symptoms of TMJ disappear without TMJ treatment. However, what happens if they stick around? Doctors recommend various treatment options that are often done simultaneously. Furthermore, your procedure will depend on how well your body responds to the treatments.

Sometimes dentists prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers to relieve some of the pressure. One of the drugs prescribed to TMJ patients includes tricyclic antidepressants. This medication is used to control bruxism which will provide pain relief. Your dentist may also subscribe to muscle relaxants to stop spams.

Mouthguards and oral splints may also be ordered for TMJ patients as well as counseling and physical therapy.

Where can I find TMJ Treatment Oak Park?

Do You Need TMJ Treatment in Oak Park?

Does your jaw hurt when you open or close your mouth? If the aching doesn’t seem to stop, call our office! You shouldn’t have to live with the extra pain! At One Fine Smile, our mission is to make our clients feel happy and satisfied with their smiles. We use state-of-the-art equipment and the latest technology to treat a wide spectrum of dental problems. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.

How To Avoid Dental Problems

Who is the best Dentist Oak Park?

While it’s true that dental implants can accurately replicate the function and look of natural teeth, your Dentist in Oak Park will always encourage you to take good care of your natural teeth first! The secret to maintaining your oral health is practicing proper dental hygiene.

Keeping your teeth healthy and happy is a long-term commitment! If you are not dedicated to adhering to good dental habits, your mouth may suffer. Remember the adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  It’s easier and less expensive to prevent a problem than to repair the damage.

Who is the best Dentist Oak Park?


How Can You Avoid Dental Problems?

Gum Disease

Normal and healthy gums are supposed to look pink and firm. They should fit snugly around your teeth. When your gums are infected due to bacteria, they will look red, swollen, and inflamed. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease that’s usually reversible.

Periodontitis is an advanced stage gum disease. Furthermore, it will cause your gums and jawbone to deteriorate. To prevent gum disease, the American Dental Association recommends you brush and floss daily and see a dentist at least once every 6 months to have your teeth professionally cleaned. Having your teeth cleaned by a hygienist will remove harmful plaque and tartar buildup, which are typically responsible for causing gum infection.

Tooth Sensitivity

The nerves within your tooth are protected by dentin. Unfortunately, these nerves can be exposed when you brush too hard, succumb to gum disease, or if you are using powerful over-the-counter tooth whitening. When these nerves are exposed, you may experience aches when consuming food and drinks at extreme temperatures – a condition known as tooth sensitivity.

The good news is that tooth sensitivity can be avoided by using the correct toothbrush and following the proper brushing technique. Minimizing your consumption of sugary and acidic foods will also help protect your gums from receding.

Who is the best Dentist Oak Park?

Do You Need To See A Dentist in Oak Park?

Are you experiencing dental problems right now? If yes, don’t hesitate to come to us! At One Fine Smile, we make sure we address all your dental needs through our wide range of dental services. With our spa-inspired dental office and latest technology, we do everything in our power to give you the smile of your dreams. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.