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Home Care Dental Oak Park, IL

The healthier your teeth and gums are, the less risk you have for tooth decay and gum disease. Your dental care extends far beyond the office and into your home every day. In fact, what you do at home is crucial for how well you do at preventative care appointments. If you continually care for your teeth, they will be more likely to last a lifetime and you will experience fewer dental-related problems than someone who does not practice proper dental home care in Oak Park. 

Family Are Brushing Teeth Dentist in Oak Park - One Fine Smile Dentist in Oak Park

Why is Home Care Dental Important?

Your home care is essential in preventing future problems from developing because you are properly cleaning your teeth and removing plaque, tartar, and food particles. When you are taking care of your teeth at home, you should be devoting at least two minutes twice a day to brushing and a little time to flossing. Flossing often gets ignored because a lot of people think it is unnecessary. But flossing every day is one of the best ways to prevent gum disease.

What Does Home Dental Care Look Like?

There are several important steps to overall dental care when done in the home. The most vital steps include: 

  • Brushing for at least two minutes, twice a day 
  • Using a good-quality toothbrush, preferably an electric toothbrush 
  • Flossing once a day 
  • Using mouthwash to remove excess bacteria 
  • Brushing your tongue 

Why Do I Still Need to Go See a Dentist?

Just because you’re taking very good care of your teeth at home doesn’t mean that your bi-annual appointments should be ignored. In most cases, even the best at-home care can’t prevent every problem and a routine dental exam, and a series of x-rays will help to detect if there is anything wrong that needs to be addressed. Our doctors can work with you on a routine schedule to keep your teeth looking their best.  If you are interested in learning more about your dental care at home, contact us today!

 Want to Improve Your Home Dental Care in Oak Park, IL?  

We are committed to helping you receive the best dental care possible and we can also help with product recommendations if you are looking to find the best tools and products available to keep your smile bright and healthy. If you are interested in learning more about your dental care at home, contact us today!