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What Are The Benefits of Dental Sealants?

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Besides scraping off plaque and tartar from your teeth, the Best Oak Park Dentist may also recommend dental sealants as a preventive measure against cavities. A dental sealant is a plastic coating that your dentist applies on the surface of your teeth, usually at the back molars, to stop the buildup of bacteria and acids responsible for causing tooth decay. 

How does it work? When the sealant is applied, it will create a smooth surface above your tooth’s fissures and pits. Remember, these fissures are hard to reach areas, and food particles are likely to get stuck inside p the buildup of plaque. By making it smooth, keeping it clean is less challenging. Let’s discuss some of the benefits of dental sealants

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How Can You Benefit From Dental Sealants?

Protects Your Teeth Against Damage

The number one benefit of a dental sealant is that it protects your enamel from damage. Dental sealants work 24/7 once the Best Oak Park Dentist applies them. It serves as a protective mantle that will keep food, bacteria, and plaque from accumulating in the fissures and pits of your tooth. 

Based on their location, the back molars are more difficult to clean, making them more prone to cavities. By applying dental sealants, you are taking a proactive approach in protecting your teeth against cavities and the need for crowns and root canals

The Application is Completely Painless

How does the Best Oak Park Dentist put on a dental sealant? The process is simple; your dentist will use a brush and paint a liquid resin over the surface of your tooth. You’ll need to wait for the resin to dry before you are allowed to rinse your mouth. 

Don’t’ worry because it only takes a few seconds to dry. The best part of it all is that the entire process is entirely painless. This is probably why many people are willing to get dental sealants

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Are You Looking for the Best Oak Park Dentist?

If you are interested in getting dental sealants to make sure the dentist who applies it is skilled and knowledgeable for a successful outcome. At One Fine Smile, our mission is to make sure you are satisfied with our service, which is why all our staff is trained to provide superior quality dental services. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services. 

Can You Avoid a Tooth Extraction?

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Can you prevent a tooth extraction? The answer is yes if you properly care for your teeth. Believe it or not, but your Oak Park Dentist does not want to pull your teeth out. Dentists are doing everything they can to preserve your natural teeth for as long as possible. Unfortunately, certain cases force dentists to perform a tooth extraction. If your teeth are healthy and robust, we recommend you do the following to avoid preventable tooth extraction

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How Do You Prevent a Tooth Extraction?

Avoid Severe Tooth Decay

Cavities usually go unnoticed, and because they aren’t that obvious, people don’t realize that the bacteria in their mouth are slowly eating away their tooth’s enamel creating deep pits and holes. When the cavities reach the pulp, it can cause severe infection. 

Tooth decay that has come this far can still be saved through root canal therapy, but if the infection is so extreme, your Oak Park Dentist will have no choice but to extract the affected tooth to stop the infection from becoming worse. You can prevent tooth decay by avoiding sweet and starchy foods and by brushing and flossing daily

Avoid Gum Disease

Besides avoiding tooth decay, you must also make sure that your gums are firm and healthy. If your gum health is compromised, they won’t be able to hold your teeth securely. Gum disease is considered the number one cause of tooth loss due to bone damage and gum recession. Regular visits to your Oak Park Dentist for a dental exam and routine cleanings will help prevent gum disease

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Do You Need an Appointment with an Oak Park Dentist?

If you want to have your teeth and gums checked, visit our clinic. At One Fine Smile, we make sure you’ll feel comfortable and relaxed during your visit. Our dental office is designed to give the feel and ambiance of a spa for total relaxation. 

We use state-of-the-art technology and equipment to provide you with the best possible care. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services. 

Health Problems Your Dentist Can Detect

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Besides checking your teeth and gums for tooth decay and gum disease, do you know that there are other health problems your Oak Park Dentist can detect? Dental health professionals aren’t going to check your mouth for visible signs of decay and gum inflammation; they will also check for other signs of abnormalities. 

This is why regular dental checkups are encouraged. Your dentist can also discover other health conditions by looking inside your mouth. Let’s find out what these are. 

where is the best oak park dentist?

Health Problems Discovered During Dental a Dental Exam

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

One look inside your mouth and your Oak Park Dentist can tell if you suffer from GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. GERD is a type of digestive disorder that occurs when acidic juices from your stomach travel to your esophagus. How will your dentist know that you suffer from acid reflux? 

They will know by looking at your eroded enamel. Aside from enamel erosion, reflux disease can predispose you to esophageal cancer. When you regularly see your dentist, diseases such as GERD can be treated before they do severe damage to your health

Oral Cancer

One of the most common problems your Oak Park Dentist can detect is oral cancer. Around 53,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer each year. Luckily, when oral cancer is detected early, the survival rates are high. 

The best way to detect oral cancer is by scheduling regular visits to your trusted dentist. Through visual inspection, your dentist will look for red and white lesions that usually show up on the floor of your mouth, the back of your tongue and soft palate tissues

where is the best oak park dentist?

Are You Seeing Your Oak Park Dentist Regularly?

The American Dental Association recommends you see your dentist once every six months. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen. Don’t let anxiety get in the way of your beautiful smile. Our spa-inspired dental office provides state-of-the-art machinery to make sure you get the best possible care. If you want to improve your smile and your oral health, we can help! Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services. 

Can You Reverse Tooth Decay?

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What are you going to do when you experience tooth pain or when you find cavities in your teeth? If you shrug it off, the decay will worsen, but if you see your Oak Park Dentist as soon as possible, there’s a big chance that the cavity will be reversed. 

The majority of us think that the only treatment for cavities is a dental filling, and while this is true in some respects, it’s not the only way. There are several ways you can do to prevent cavities from reoccurring and to reverse it naturally. Here’s how. 

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How to Reverse Tooth Decay

Modify Your Diet and Cut Back on Your Sugar Consumption

Numerous studies have shown that by directly modifying your diet, you can reverse tooth decay. During your appointment with your Oak Park Dentist, don’t forget to ask about his or her diet recommendations. Try to avoid sugary and starchy foods. 

It also helps if you avoid drinking carbonated beverages like sodas and fruit juices as these are high in sugar and can cause the development of plaque and tartar buildup, which by the way, are responsible for the formation of cavities. 

Be Serious About Your Oral Care Routine

When your Oak Park Dentist said you should brush your teeth daily, he or she wasn’t kidding. Brushing your teeth for two minutes at least twice a day is an effective way to reverse tooth decay

When you brush, make sure you are using the right toothbrush and the proper brushing technique to ensure that all areas of your teeth are cleaned. Brushing and flossing are necessary to remove cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth.

where is the best oak park dentist? 

Do You Need to See an Oak Park Dentist?

If you think you have cavities or if you experience tooth pain, we suggest you see a dentist immediately. At One Fine Smile, we aim to make our customers feel relaxed and comfortable during their visit. 

In addition to providing quality dental services, we also educate our patients by teaching them how to care for their teeth and gums properly. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services. 

Should You Visit an Emergency Dentist?

where is the best emergency dentist oak park?

One of the biggest mistakes people make is not finding an Emergency Dentist in Oak Park. Even if you are the most careful person on the planet, it helps to have your emergency dentist’s number in your speed dial because accidents can happen at any time.

You’re lucky if you need urgent dental care during regular office hours, but what if it happens in the middle of the night or during a holiday? How are you going to get treated when your dentist isn’t around? An emergency dentist is a dental health professional who offers immediate dental care to patients 24/7. When should you see one? Let’s find out.

where is the best emergency dentist oak park?

Do You Need to Call an Emergency Dentist?

Facial Swelling

An average and healthy person doesn’t experience facial swelling, so when your face swells, that’s a sign to call your Emergency Dentist in Oak Park. Abscess, facial trauma, and infection are typical causes of facial swelling.

In most cases, patients who exhibit facial swelling also experience oral pain. There are also cases wherein facial swelling is a result of wisdom tooth growth, gum disease, or vitamin C deficiency.

A Knocked-Out Tooth

When your tooth gets knocked out, you need to call your Emergency Dentist in Oak Park immediately because if your tooth is still viable, your dentist may always be able to save it. Therefore, whenever a tooth gets knocked, you can consider it a dental emergency. There are a few steps you can do to save your tooth.

First, you need to stay calm. Next is call your emergency dentist. Third, only hold the crown, fourth, rinse it in water, but do not put anything on it. Last but not least, place it in a clean milk container while you wait for your dentist to arrive.

where is the best emergency dentist oak park?

Are You Looking for an Emergency Dentist in Oak Park?

If you haven’t found a reliable emergency dentist just yet, give us a call! At One Fine Smile, we’ve got you covered. We are excited to get to know you and return your smile to its former glory. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.

How Can I Prevent Bad Breath?

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It’s quite ironic that people with bad breath don’t know that they have it. Anatomically speaking, the distance between your mouth and nose is pretty close, and yet people who have bad breath can’t smell it. It usually takes a loved one or an Oak Park Dentist to inform them about it. Not only is bad breath embarrassing, but it will also affect your relationship with other people. Surveys show that individuals try to evade people with bad breath because it grosses them out. How do you prevent bad breath? Let’s find out.

Bad Breath Prevention

Is Bad Breath Preventable?

Brush Your Teeth and Your Tongue Properly

The best defense against bad breath is through regular brushing. When you visit your Oak Park Dentist, he or she will inform you of the importance of proper brushing. It should be done at least twice a day for 2 minutes using a toothbrush with soft bristles. Use a fluoride-based toothpaste when you clean your teeth. If you can find antibacterial toothpaste, the better since it has been shown to help control bad breath. Aside from brushing your teeth, don’t forget to include your tongue as this harbors plenty of bacteria.

Schedule Professional Teeth Cleaning at Least Twice a Year

One of the reasons why dental health professionals recommend that you go back every six months is so that your Oak Park Dentist can professionally clean your teeth to remove stubborn plaque and tartar. So that you know, a regular toothbrush won’t be able to remove tartar. It takes special instruments to scrape them off your teeth. The accumulation of plaque and tartar contributes to bad breath. Besides removing plaque and tartar, your dentist can also check your mouth for other problems that may be contributing to the odor of your breath.

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Do You Need to Book an Appointment with Your Oak Park Dentist?

Do you find yourself constantly reaching for a stick of gum to hide your breath. If so, find a long-term solution with your Oak Park dentist at One Fine Smile! We are excited to help you find the right solution for your unique case.  Give us a call or visit our website to speak with one of our trained professionals!

How to Keep Up with Your Dental Hygiene During a Pandemic

who is the best oak park dentistry?

COVID-19 has genuinely changed the lives of millions of people all over the world. Unfortunately, it’s an unwelcome change that disrupted our normal way of life. The routine we’ve all become used to no longer applies. People are now scared to go out of their houses for fear that they might get infected by an unseen virus the moment they step out of their homes. Sadly, COVID-19 has affected our Oak Park Dentistry appointments as well. Not to worry because you can keep your teeth and gums healthy while at home during this unfortunate time. No matter how preoccupied you are, always make your dental health a priority. Here’s how to do it:

Home Dental Care

Keeping Your Dental Health in Excellent Shape During a Pandemic

Brush Daily

It only takes 2 minutes max to keep your teeth free from bacteria and food particles. The effort of brushing your teeth at least twice a day is enough to keep them healthy until your next Oak Park Dentistry appointment. Keep in mind that if you fail to brush your teeth, bacteria will multiply and form a sticky, translucent film over your teeth called plaque. The plaque will predispose you to tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease.

Floss Daily

The two key ingredients to a healthy smile is a combination of brushing and flossing. Aside from making the effort of brushing and flossing, what’s important is that you’re doing it following the right timing and the right technique; otherwise, your efforts will all be in vain, and you’ll soon find yourself in need of Oak Park Dentistry services. Do your research on the proper way to clean your teeth, or better yet call your dentist and have them explain how it should be done.

Oak Park Dentistry

When is Your Next Oak Park Dentistry Appointment?

To keep your teeth and gums healthy, remember to brush and floss your teeth every day! Our experienced staff is excited to get to know you and answer any question about your dental care routine. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.

The Basics of the Root Canal Process

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According to statistics, over 10 million Root Canal Oak Park treatments are done each year. Are you going to be a part of that statistic? Not everyone is a candidate for root canal. However, if you exhibit any of the following symptoms you may be a good candidate for the treatment. Examples of symptoms that require root canal therapy include severe pain when you bite or chew, a bump on your gums, a cracked or chipped tooth, tender or swollen gums, deep tooth decay and prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold food and drinks. Let’s find out more.

Root Canal treatments

What Happens During a Root Canal Procedure?

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

The purpose of Root Canal Oak Park is to stop the infection from wreaking havoc in your mouth. The procedure is designed to extract the bacteria that have formed within your root canal. Doing so will help eliminate the spread of infection and it will also help save your tooth. In a root canal treatment, your endodontist will remove the infected or inflamed pulp out of the root canal chamber, thoroughly clean and disinfect the area, fill it up and then seal it.

Is Removing the Pulp Necessary?

When your tooth’s pulp has damaged the bacteria within it will proliferate. The combination of debris and bacteria will lead to tooth infection or a tooth abscess. An abscess usually forms at the tips of the tooth root and is filled with pus. This is the end result if the infection is not contained. When an abscess has already formed then it means the infection has made its way towards the end of the tooth roots. Without Root Canal Oak Park complicates may ensue such as the spread of infection towards the neck, face, and head and bone loss.

dental tools

Do You Need Root Canal Oak Park?

If you or someone you know has a tooth infection, don’t hesitate to call your endodontist! At One Fine Smile, we keep our office equipped with the latest in technology so you can feel relaxed and safe during your visit. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.

How to Avoid a Tooth Extraction

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Do you know why people are scared to see their Oak Park Dentist? We’ve asked a number of patients why they skip dental appointments and they all said the same thing; they are scared to have their teeth pulled out. Believe it or not, your dentist prefers to save your tooth rather than extract it. All dentists would do anything and everything to preserve your tooth but if your oral problem can’t be saved then that’s the time they recommend tooth extraction. Is it possible to avoid tooth extraction? The answer is yes. Here’s how you can avoid it.

Avoid Tooth Extraction

How Can You Avoid Tooth Extraction?

Take Care of Your Teeth and Gums At Home

When your teeth are severely decayed that the infection has already infiltrated beyond the pulp (which means root canal therapy is useless at this point), tooth extraction is the only option to stop the infection from spreading. In other words, tooth extraction is recommended for patients who have severely decayed teeth. You can stop tooth extraction if you care for your teeth and gums at home by regularly brushing and flossing them as recommended by your Dentist.

See Your Dentist Regularly

The American Dental Association encourages everyone to visit their Oak Park Dentist at least twice a year to have their teeth and gums checked. Regular dental visits allow your dentist to monitor the condition of your teeth and gums and treat existing dental problems before they advance or worsen. Dental visits also include deep teeth cleaning to remove stubborn plaque that are responsible for causing tooth decay and gum disease.

Avoid a Tooth Extraction

How Often Do You See Your Oak Park Dentist?

Regularly visiting your dentist is the most efficient way to ensure your smile stays healthy and stress-free. We keep our office staffed with seasoned professionals who are well versed in the latest dental technology to make you feel comfortable and well-served. Give us a call or visit our website for more information!

The Importance of Having a Saturday Dentist

dentist checking mouth

It may not happen all the time but there may be instances wherein your case would require a visit to your dentist. What are you going to do if you need dental treatment outside the usual business hours? If it’s a dental emergency no doubt you have to have it treated as soon as possible otherwise, your dental problem will only get worse and it may even increase your chances of losing your tooth indefinitely. When it comes to emergency treatments you need to have a Saturday Dentist Oak Park you can call any time of the day. 

Saturday Dentist

Why is a Saturday Dentist Important? 

Their Availability is Plus

People working in offices will find it difficult to leave their cubicle in the middle of the day let alone in the middle of a busy workweek to receive dental treatments leaving them with no choice but to book appointments on weekends. Having a Saturday Dentist Oak Park is a great advantage because, as the name implies, your dentist can cater to your needs during the weekends, which means your dental health will not be compromised. This is also applicable if you have children since they won’t be able to reach the clinic on time after school

They Provide Emergency Dental Care

Aside from scheduling convenience, a Saturday Dentist Oak Park also offers emergency dental care. Therefore, even if you experience a knocked-out tooth on Christmas Eve or experience a post-op complication following an oral surgery at dawn, you can be confident that your Saturday dentist will treat you and it wouldn’t matter to them what time of day it is

Saturday Dentist Oak Park

Do You Need a Saturday Dentist Oak Park? 

Are you looking for a Saturday dentist? We understand that life gets busy and sometimes going to the dentist during normal business hours feels impossible. One Fine Smile is here for you on Saturdays to make your life just a little bit easier. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.