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Dental Insurance Benefits: Use It Before You Lose It

As 2022 comes to a close, now is a great time to look over your dental insurance benefits. Make appointments early enough to ensure your family gets the most out of the benefits you’ve worked hard to earn.

Have you been putting off an exam, cleaning, or treatment? Call us immediately, and we’ll tell you how many of your benefits are left. You might not know this, but you have to use it or lose it with dental insurance. 96% of people with dental insurance let their new benefits run out before the end of the year. Set up a meeting before the end of the year. We want you to have a beautiful smile.

Why Should You Use Your Dental Benefits Right Away?

Maximum per year. This is the most your dental insurance will pay for your dental work in a year. If you have benefits left over at the end of the year that you have yet to use, they won’t carry over to the next year. As soon as that calendar page turns, you will lose them.


The deductible is the amount of money you have to pay your dentist out of pocket before your insurance company will pay for any services. When 2022 comes around, your plan will ask you to pay that deductible again.


You should also use your benefits if you pay a monthly premium for dental insurance. Even if your teeth are healthy and you don’t need treatment, regular cleanings and exams are usually paid for in full.

The Fee Goes Up. 

Another reason to use your dental benefits before the end of the year is that the prices may go up next year. Most of these changes happen at the beginning of each year.

Problems With Teeth Can Get Worse

 If you put off dental care now, you might have to get more extensive and expensive care later. What might start as a simple cavity could become a problem that needs a root canal or even cause you to lose your tooth.

This Year Will Be Over Before You Can Blink

We often forget about our oral health in the last three months of the year because we have so much fun to do. We know that you might not be thinking about your teeth right now. But you only have a few more months to use your dental insurance before it runs out. Using your benefits is important since many plans don’t let benefits carry over to the next year. We’ve decided to tell you about three easy ways to use the rest of your help. Time to put it to use or lose it!

Unplanned Medical Care

Do you still need to make that annoying appointment you’ve been putting off? We know treatment can be scary, especially if you’ve never had a serious dental procedure. We promise that it will be worth it! We promise that getting a cavity filled, getting a crown, having a tooth pulled, or any other treatments done before the end of the year will help you. This will not only help you feel better faster, but it will also save you money in the long run. If you keep putting off the treatment you need, you may need even more. I’m sure you understand what this means. Schedule your treatment today to take advantage of your benefits before they disappear.


Have you seen your dental hygienist in the last six months? If it’s been longer than that, you should come back. Getting your teeth cleaned twice a year is a must for healthy teeth. Your hygienist will remove any plaque or tartar that has built up on your teeth. If this needs to be taken care of, it can lead to bigger problems in the future. You’ll feel like your smile is clean, bright, and new. If you still have dental benefits and haven’t had a cleaning in at least six months, now is the time to come in! You can make an appointment with us today and take advantage of these benefits before you lose them.

Big Things To Do

Are you the kind of person who has always wanted to improve their smile but didn’t know where to start? Now is a great time to look into Invisalign or even get dental implants to give yourself a whole new smile. Want to know what’s the best thing about this? You will be able to pay for it with any remaining dental benefits. Now is the time to take the step you’ve always wanted to take to improve your smile. It’s always possible to use your benefits before you lose them.

The last three months of the year are a great time to get any dental work done that you have been putting off, schedule a cleaning, or even give yourself a new smile.

Use The Money From Your Dental Insurance Now

If you have benefits you have yet to use, you should make an appointment so you can get the most out of your coverage. Now that the holidays are here, it can be hard to do everything. But it’s a great chance to put your health first. Visit our dental office for your dental insurance services you need.

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