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Can You Avoid a Tooth Extraction?

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Can you prevent a tooth extraction? The answer is yes if you properly care for your teeth. Believe it or not, but your Oak Park Dentist does not want to pull your teeth out. Dentists are doing everything they can to preserve your natural teeth for as long as possible. Unfortunately, certain cases force dentists to perform a tooth extraction. If your teeth are healthy and robust, we recommend you do the following to avoid preventable tooth extraction. 

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How Do You Prevent a Tooth Extraction?

Avoid Severe Tooth Decay

Cavities usually go unnoticed, and because they aren’t that obvious, people don’t realize that the bacteria in their mouth are slowly eating away their tooth’s enamel creating deep pits and holes. When the cavities reach the pulp, it can cause severe infection. 

Tooth decay that has come this far can still be saved through root canal therapy, but if the infection is so extreme, your Oak Park Dentist will have no choice but to extract the affected tooth to stop the infection from becoming worse. You can prevent tooth decay by avoiding sweet and starchy foods and by brushing and flossing daily. 

Avoid Gum Disease

Besides avoiding tooth decay, you must also make sure that your gums are firm and healthy. If your gum health is compromised, they won’t be able to hold your teeth securely. Gum disease is considered the number one cause of tooth loss due to bone damage and gum recession. Regular visits to your Oak Park Dentist for a dental exam and routine cleanings will help prevent gum disease. 

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Do You Need an Appointment with an Oak Park Dentist?

If you want to have your teeth and gums checked, visit our clinic. At One Fine Smile, we make sure you’ll feel comfortable and relaxed during your visit. Our dental office is designed to give the feel and ambiance of a spa for total relaxation. 

We use state-of-the-art technology and equipment to provide you with the best possible care. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services. 

Should You Visit an Emergency Dentist?

where is the best emergency dentist oak park?

One of the biggest mistakes people make is not finding an Emergency Dentist in Oak Park. Even if you are the most careful person on the planet, it helps to have your emergency dentist’s number in your speed dial because accidents can happen at any time.

You’re lucky if you need urgent dental care during regular office hours, but what if it happens in the middle of the night or during a holiday? How are you going to get treated when your dentist isn’t around? An emergency dentist is a dental health professional who offers immediate dental care to patients 24/7. When should you see one? Let’s find out.

where is the best emergency dentist oak park?

Do You Need to Call an Emergency Dentist?

Facial Swelling

An average and healthy person doesn’t experience facial swelling, so when your face swells, that’s a sign to call your Emergency Dentist in Oak Park. Abscess, facial trauma, and infection are typical causes of facial swelling.

In most cases, patients who exhibit facial swelling also experience oral pain. There are also cases wherein facial swelling is a result of wisdom tooth growth, gum disease, or vitamin C deficiency.

A Knocked-Out Tooth

When your tooth gets knocked out, you need to call your Emergency Dentist in Oak Park immediately because if your tooth is still viable, your dentist may always be able to save it. Therefore, whenever a tooth gets knocked, you can consider it a dental emergency. There are a few steps you can do to save your tooth.

First, you need to stay calm. Next is call your emergency dentist. Third, only hold the crown, fourth, rinse it in water, but do not put anything on it. Last but not least, place it in a clean milk container while you wait for your dentist to arrive.

where is the best emergency dentist oak park?

Are You Looking for an Emergency Dentist in Oak Park?

If you haven’t found a reliable emergency dentist just yet, give us a call! At One Fine Smile, we’ve got you covered. We are excited to get to know you and return your smile to its former glory. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.

How Can I Prevent Bad Breath?

who is the best oak park dentist?

It’s quite ironic that people with bad breath don’t know that they have it. Anatomically speaking, the distance between your mouth and nose is pretty close, and yet people who have bad breath can’t smell it. It usually takes a loved one or an Oak Park Dentist to inform them about it. Not only is bad breath embarrassing, but it will also affect your relationship with other people. Surveys show that individuals try to evade people with bad breath because it grosses them out. How do you prevent bad breath? Let’s find out.

Bad Breath Prevention

Is Bad Breath Preventable?

Brush Your Teeth and Your Tongue Properly

The best defense against bad breath is through regular brushing. When you visit your Oak Park Dentist, he or she will inform you of the importance of proper brushing. It should be done at least twice a day for 2 minutes using a toothbrush with soft bristles. Use a fluoride-based toothpaste when you clean your teeth. If you can find antibacterial toothpaste, the better since it has been shown to help control bad breath. Aside from brushing your teeth, don’t forget to include your tongue as this harbors plenty of bacteria.

Schedule Professional Teeth Cleaning at Least Twice a Year

One of the reasons why dental health professionals recommend that you go back every six months is so that your Oak Park Dentist can professionally clean your teeth to remove stubborn plaque and tartar. So that you know, a regular toothbrush won’t be able to remove tartar. It takes special instruments to scrape them off your teeth. The accumulation of plaque and tartar contributes to bad breath. Besides removing plaque and tartar, your dentist can also check your mouth for other problems that may be contributing to the odor of your breath.

where is the best oak park dentist?

Do You Need to Book an Appointment with Your Oak Park Dentist?

Do you find yourself constantly reaching for a stick of gum to hide your breath. If so, find a long-term solution with your Oak Park dentist at One Fine Smile! We are excited to help you find the right solution for your unique case.  Give us a call or visit our website to speak with one of our trained professionals!

How to Keep Up with Your Dental Hygiene During a Pandemic

who is the best oak park dentistry?

COVID-19 has genuinely changed the lives of millions of people all over the world. Unfortunately, it’s an unwelcome change that disrupted our normal way of life. The routine we’ve all become used to no longer applies. People are now scared to go out of their houses for fear that they might get infected by an unseen virus the moment they step out of their homes. Sadly, COVID-19 has affected our Oak Park Dentistry appointments as well. Not to worry because you can keep your teeth and gums healthy while at home during this unfortunate time. No matter how preoccupied you are, always make your dental health a priority. Here’s how to do it:

Home Dental Care

Keeping Your Dental Health in Excellent Shape During a Pandemic

Brush Daily

It only takes 2 minutes max to keep your teeth free from bacteria and food particles. The effort of brushing your teeth at least twice a day is enough to keep them healthy until your next Oak Park Dentistry appointment. Keep in mind that if you fail to brush your teeth, bacteria will multiply and form a sticky, translucent film over your teeth called plaque. The plaque will predispose you to tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease.

Floss Daily

The two key ingredients to a healthy smile is a combination of brushing and flossing. Aside from making the effort of brushing and flossing, what’s important is that you’re doing it following the right timing and the right technique; otherwise, your efforts will all be in vain, and you’ll soon find yourself in need of Oak Park Dentistry services. Do your research on the proper way to clean your teeth, or better yet call your dentist and have them explain how it should be done.

Oak Park Dentistry

When is Your Next Oak Park Dentistry Appointment?

To keep your teeth and gums healthy, remember to brush and floss your teeth every day! Our experienced staff is excited to get to know you and answer any question about your dental care routine. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.

Teeth Whitening Oak Park | What to Do After Getting Your Teeth Professionally Whitened

Where can I find Teeth Whitening Oak Park?

People with yellow teeth don’t have to live another day feeling insecure about their smile because one Teeth Whitening Oak Park treatment is enough to restore their confidence back. Yes, it only takes one treatment to significantly transform the shade of your teeth. So if you feel bad because your teeth look hideous all you need to do is to book an appointment with your cosmetic dentist. However, after the treatment, there are a few things you need to do to ensure that your teeth will not stain again. Let’s find out what these are.

Teeth Whitening

How Should You Care For Your Teeth After Having Them Whitened?

Brush and Floss Your Teeth Twice a Day

Do you know that your teeth can be discolored if you don’t care for them? The older you get the thinner your enamel will become and the dentin, which is the layer underneath the enamel will thin out as well making your teeth look yellow. The best way to preserve the whiteness of your teeth is to brush and floss every day to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Avoid Food and Drinks That Stain Your Teeth

The whole point of teeth whitening is to have a brighter smile but if you go back to drinking coffee and tea every morning and wine at dinner the money you invested for teeth whitening will be for nothing because these dark-colored beverages are only going to stain your teeth. If you can’t help yourself at least use a straw so that it won’t come in contact with your teeth.

old lady with perfect teeth

Is Teeth Whitening Oak Park Effective?

Teeth whitening Oak Park is the safest and most cost-effective way to improve your smile! With our spa-inspired office, our staff strives to give you the relaxing and stress-free environment you deserve. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.