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Oak Park Family Dentistry | Do’s and Don’ts After a Tooth Extraction

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There are moments in life where tooth extraction is unavoidable. Even if your Oak Park Family Dentistry specialist would want to preserve your tooth, sometimes they are left with no choice but to extract a severely damaged or decayed tooth. Tooth extraction is a dental procedure that involves the removal of a tooth from its socket. The procedure requires skills, accuracy, and expertise so that the wound will successfully heal itself without any post-op complications. In order to expedite the healing process, there are a few things you need to do and avoid. Let’s find out what these are.

Oak Park Family Dentistry

How to Heal and Recover from a Tooth Extraction Fast

The Do’s of Tooth Extraction

After the procedure, your family dentistry specialist will advise you to get as much rest as you can that means you are not allowed to exercise or do any strenuous activity within 24 hours. Do bite down on a gauze near the site where your tooth has been extracted to control the bleeding but don’t chew on the gauze. Place an ice pack on the side of your face where the extraction was made to minimize the swelling. If the swelling continues for more than 2 to 3 days you should notify your dentist.

The Don’ts of Tooth Extraction

Your family dentistry specialist will inform you not to smoke at least 2 days after the operation because the chemicals in cigarettes can compromise the clot increasing your chances of getting a dry socket. Do not eat any solid food after the surgery. You will only be allowed to go on a soft and liquid diet like mashed potatoes, soup, smoothies, and yogurt. Do take your medicines as prescribed by your family dentist.

Dentist Tools

Only Allow a Licensed Oak Park Family Dentistry Specialist to Perform an Extraction

For your peace of mind, make sure to choose a family dentist you can trust to do your oral surgery. At One Fine Smile, we have designed our office to feel like a spa away from the stresses of life. We consistently strive to create a comfortable and relaxed environment for our patients and their families. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.

Oak Park Dentistry | Surefire Ways to Stop Tooth Decay in Its Tracks

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Human teeth are designed to be robust, but it doesn’t mean they are invincible. If you don’t care for your teeth it wouldn’t take long before you’ll find specks of black dots and cavities in them signifying tooth decay. Dental health specialists at Oak Park dentistry will never get tired of reminding you to brush and floss your teeth daily and the reason why they strongly encourage this is because they are fully aware that poor oral hygiene is one of the leading causes of tooth decay. How do you stop tooth decay in its tracks? Let’s find out more.

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Can Tooth Decay Be Prevented?

What is Tooth Decay?

Do you know that your mouth is brimming with bacteria? When bacteria aren’t removed, they create a sticky film that envelops your teeth. This film is called plaque. Bacteria thrive in starchy and sugary foods and drinks and as they feed on sugar, they release an acid by-product that is mainly responsible for eating away your teeth’s enamel. Constant exposure to acid will eventually create damage to your teeth causing cavities and decay. Aside from cavities, you’ll also experience tooth pain, tooth sensitivity and bad breath among others.

How Do You Stop it from Progressing?

There are two surefire ways to stop tooth decay from progressing, one, make sure you visit your dentistry clinic at least twice a year to have your teeth examined and professionally cleaned and two, never forget to brush and floss your teeth every day for two minutes. Regular visits to your dentist are actually a preventive measure as it protects you from developing cavities, tooth decay and gum disease.

who offers the best oak park dentistry?

Is Visiting an Oak Park Dentistry Clinic Really Necessary?

Regularly visiting an Oak Park dentistry clinic is imperative to having a happy and health mouth. At One Fine Smile, it is our mission to create a comfortable and relaxed environment for all our patients. We want to replace any nervousness with a confident and beautiful smile! Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.

Teeth Whitening Oak Park | What to Do After Getting Your Teeth Professionally Whitened

Where can I find Teeth Whitening Oak Park?

People with yellow teeth don’t have to live another day feeling insecure about their smile because one Teeth Whitening Oak Park treatment is enough to restore their confidence back. Yes, it only takes one treatment to significantly transform the shade of your teeth. So if you feel bad because your teeth look hideous all you need to do is to book an appointment with your cosmetic dentist. However, after the treatment, there are a few things you need to do to ensure that your teeth will not stain again. Let’s find out what these are.

Teeth Whitening

How Should You Care For Your Teeth After Having Them Whitened?

Brush and Floss Your Teeth Twice a Day

Do you know that your teeth can be discolored if you don’t care for them? The older you get the thinner your enamel will become and the dentin, which is the layer underneath the enamel will thin out as well making your teeth look yellow. The best way to preserve the whiteness of your teeth is to brush and floss every day to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Avoid Food and Drinks That Stain Your Teeth

The whole point of teeth whitening is to have a brighter smile but if you go back to drinking coffee and tea every morning and wine at dinner the money you invested for teeth whitening will be for nothing because these dark-colored beverages are only going to stain your teeth. If you can’t help yourself at least use a straw so that it won’t come in contact with your teeth.

old lady with perfect teeth

Is Teeth Whitening Oak Park Effective?

Teeth whitening Oak Park is the safest and most cost-effective way to improve your smile! With our spa-inspired office, our staff strives to give you the relaxing and stress-free environment you deserve. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.

Oak Park Dentist | Do You Have an Oral Health Care Plan?

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Do you have pink, glistening gums? Do they feel sore and bleed when you floss and brush? No? Congratulations! You most likely have happy and healthy gums! Teeth that are free of cavities and decay are also indicative of healthy teeth. We believe that two of the main reasons why you have healthy teeth and gums is because you have established an oral health care plan and that you make it a point to see your Oak Park dentist regularly. Unfortunately, not everyone has a health care plan. In fact, millions of people suffer from teeth and gum problems every day as a result of poor dental hygiene practices. If you belong to the millions of people who have forgotten about their dental health, now is the time to make a change.

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Brushing Your Teeth Right

Brushing should be timed and it should be done following the correct technique. When brushing your teeth make sure to reach at least two minutes. The angle of your toothbrush must be 45 degrees pointing towards your gums. When you brush don’t forget to include all surfaces of your teeth (front, back, and sides). This must be done twice daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Flossing in Between Teeth

Flossing can be done once in a day. When you floss, be sure to include the front and the back teeth. To avoid puncturing your gums, your dentist recommends that you follow the curve and outline of your teeth. If you still can’t get it right, ask your dentist to demonstrate it to you.

Schedule Regular Appointments with Your Dentist

Dental appointments are crucial to your oral health. In a year, you are only required to see your dentist twice but this will depend on the condition of your teeth and gums. If you already have existing problems your dentist may recommend that you schedule an appointment more frequently. Dental checkups are necessary to catch problems before they arise and to treat problems when they already exist.

Oral Health Care

Do You Need an Oak Park Dentist?

To achieve optimum dental health follow an oral health care plan and see your Oak Park dentist once every six months. At One Fine Smile, we have created a spa-inspired dental office with innovative technology and a wonderful staff. We aim to put you completely at ease during  your dental visit. Kiss the anxiety away! Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.

TMJ Treatment Oak Park | TMJ Treatment Explained

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Did your dentist diagnose you with TMJ? If, after examining your jaw, your dentist suspects that you have TMJ you’ll be required to undergo TMJ treatment Oak Park. Before a diagnosis is made your dentist will thoroughly examine your jaw to see and feel if it makes an odd sound when you open and close your mouth and he or she will check your jaw’s range of motion and press on specific areas in and around your jaw for pain sites. When you are diagnosed with TMJ you’ll have to have it treated. The following are possible treatments for TMJ:

Medications Used

Patients with TMJ often complain of pain, which is why they are advised to take over-the-counter painkillers to relieve the pain. If the pain still lingers despite taking OTC pain medications your dentist or doctor may prescribe a stronger medication like ibuprofen. There’s also a possibility that your dentist will prescribe tricyclic antidepressants. Although these drugs are for depression they can be used to relieve pain and control bruxism. Often times your dentist or doctor may prescribe muscle relaxants for the pain.

Common Therapy

There are drugless therapies that can help treat TMJ such as the use of mouth guards or oral splints. These devices are placed over your teeth to help with jaw pain. There are also certain exercises that will help strengthen and improve your jaw muscles. The application of ice and moist heat are also possible therapies for TMJ patients.

Surgery for TMJ

If medications and therapies don’t help your dentist or doctor may suggest surgery. A procedure called arthrocentesis is done and it involves the careful insertion of tiny needles into the joint to irrigate fluid and extract inflammatory byproducts. There are also cases where patients are injected with corticosteroids for pain relief.

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Looking for TMJ Treatment Oak Park?

Talk to your dentist to find which TMJ treatment Oak Park is beast for you! At One Fine Smile, we aim to help you achieve your most beautiful and comfortable smile while enjoying our spa-inspired, stress-free environment. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.

Saturday Dentist Oak Park | Benefits of Visiting a Dentist

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Do you know what happens when you miss dental appointments? A lot of things can happen and believe us; you wouldn’t want them to happen to you. You see when you keep missing dental appointments because you’re too busy what you’re actually doing is you are compromising your dental health. Luckily, there is a solution to this problem. What you need to do is to see a Saturday dentist Oak Park.

Your Dental Health is Monitored by Your Dentist

Since your dentist will be able to accommodate you on weekends then it means you’ll have no excuse to keep missing your appointments, which is a good thing because your dentist will be able to regularly monitor your dental health. Your dentist will also make sure that you are brushing and flossing your teeth at home using the right techniques.

Your Teeth are Free from Plaque and Tartar

When plaque is not addressed right away it can escalate into tartar and mind you, tartar is impossible to remove through brushing and flossing. In order to make sure that your teeth are plaque and tartar free, you need to brush and floss daily as well as regularly see your Saturday dentist have your teeth professionally cleaned.

Dental Problems are Detected and Treated Early

Do you know that you can have oral cancer without you knowing it? Or you could have early-stage gum disease but you’re just brushing it off thinking it can’t be that bad? Well, if you don’t see a dentist the problem can get worse and it may even cost you your life especially if the cancer cells have spread to other areas of your body or when the gum disease causes severe infection that will lead to sepsis. Your dentist can check all these and treat them before they become untreatable.

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Need a Saturday Dentist Oak Park?

Have you found a reliable Saturday dentist to cater to your dental needs? At One Fine Smile, it is our mission to let our patients feel comfortable and relaxed during their visit. Our spa-inspired dental office is equipped with the latest technology to ensure you feel at ease during your dental visit. Visit our website to learn more about our services.

Invisalign Oak Park | What Do You Know About Invisalign?

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Tooth gaps, overbites, underbites, crowded teeth – these are just some of the issues Invisalign Oak Park can fix. Invisalign was introduced 19 years ago and since then it has become one of the most in-demand orthodontic devices today. These clear aligners have transformed millions of smiles all over the world! If you are looking for a convenient way to improve your smile, this is what you need.

Invisalign is Customized to Fit Your Needs

Invisalign makes use of patented software that allows your orthodontist to come up with a customized treatment plan for your teeth. Through technology, your orthodontist is able to visualize your teeth and adjust the movement of each tooth all throughout the treatment.

You Can See The Final Outcome

Thanks to technology, you can visualize the final outcome of your teeth after you have completed the treatment. This means that you will be able to see your brand new smile via 3D imaging once you are done with the treatment. Isn’t that amazing? You only get to see this with Invisalign.

There’s Less Time Spend with the Dentist

If you’re always busy this might be the best teeth-straightening solution for you. When you are wearing Invisalign you will only need to see your dentist every 6 to 8 weeks for monitoring. During these visits, your orthodontist will check your teeth to see if they are moving according to plan. Since you’ll only be asked to wear clear aligners you don’t need frequent visits, unlike traditional braces where you’ll have to deal with regular bracket and wire adjustments.


Looking for Invisalign in Oak Park?

Do you want to change your smile? Invisalign is one of the best options out there! At One Fine Smile, we want you to feel confident walking out of our office and into your daily life. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about how we can help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed about.

Dentist Oak Park | Why You Should Never Avoid Your Dentist

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Even without your telling us, we know that visiting your dentist Oak Park is not the most exciting day of your week. In fact, you’re probably dreading the idea of another dental appointment. Just the thought of being in a dental chair will already build up feelings of tension and stress. Don’t worry; you’re not the only one. Some people think that as long as they brush and floss their teeth, they’re okay. Well, achieving optimum dental health goes beyond brushing and flossing. You also need to see your dentist regularly.

Thoroughly Clean Your Teeth

We hate to break it to you but even if you brush and floss your teeth twice a day for two minutes you are still prone to develop plaque and tartar buildup especially if you have overcrowded or crooked teeth since these are more difficult to clean. Unfortunately, when plaque and tartar are already present no amount of brushing and flossing can remove them and the only person who can rid your teeth of plaque is your dentist.

Identify and Treat Cavity Before It Gets Worse

You may have cavities and not know it. If you don’t see your dentist regularly the cavity will worsen and if it’s not treated it could eat away your enamel. During a dental checkup, your dentist will evaluate the condition of your teeth. With just one look at your teeth, they’ll know if cavities are present or are about to form. Treating cavities ASAP will prevent them from causing more complicated dental problems in the future.

Will Screen You for Oral Cancer

Do you know that each year, thousands of Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer? When oral cancer is not detected and treated it could metastasize fast and it could cost you your life. By seeing your dentist twice a year, you are taking steps in preserving your oral health and your life!

Dentist Oak Park

Looking for a Dentist Oak Park?

Going to the dentist twice a year and keeping up with your daily oral hygiene is what will keep your smile happy and healthy! At One Fine Smile, we strive to give all our patients the smile they deserve. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.